Santa Clarita – San Fernando Valley – Short Sale Resource

If planning to be involved on either side of the fence in a short sale transaction with a property located in either Santa Clarita or San Fernando Valleys, it’s the resources that just might determine success or failure. That’s why we offer a assortment of topics and related information all centered around one primary subject of, distressed property transactions.
See Distressed Properties for Sale
Back in 2011 we published numerous short sale market updates for the Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valley real estate markets. At that time, nearly 75% of all the homes for sale are either a real estate owned or a short sale. If you were a home buyer back then, there’s a good chance the home you purchased, was a short sale or foreclosed property. With many homeowners losing their high paying jobs, many were finding themselves in a position of selling their homes as a short sale. As a result of all the distressed properties on the market, we wanted to make sure our friends, clients, and consumers everywhere had a reliable resource from which to find the information they needed to discover their options and find solutions. That resource is
Still Online is still online today and it is up to date. The site is full of relevant information about short sales, loan modifications, foreclosures, SCAMS and everything having to do with distressed properties. If you’re looking for that short sale deal or looking to short sale your home, it’s critical you become knowledgeable about the various strategies needed for success! Take a visit to and you’ll find everything you need to move forward with your real estate plans. Have a great day and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions! Remember, there’s never any need to worry about any high pressure sales methods when contacting the Gregory Real Estate Group. We just answer questions and help out as needed.

Connect With Local REALTORS
Matt & Meray Gregory
[email protected]
If interested in a short sale, be sure to contact us to schedule a consultation. Matt is a Certified Distressed Property Expert with a long history of short sale success.
Your Local REALTORS®
DRE# 01463326
DRE# 01831112