Advantages for Home Buyers When Choosing an ABR Realtor

Accredited Buyers Agents Matt Meray Gregory

Watch the video to learn of the advantages for home buyers when choosing an ABR Realtor. Buying a home is a life changing event so it’s critical to have the most experienced agent representative possible.

Matt & Meray Gregory are both active ABR REALTORS® at the Gregory Real Estate Group. When you’re ready to buy your next home, contact Matt & Meray at 661-713-4799 or email them directly at

Matt and Meray Gregory
NAR Realtor Designations

ABR Realtors are Experienced and Qualified

Clearly there are definite advantages for home buyers when choosing an ABR Realtor. Simply put, when prospective home buyers choose an ABR, they can rest assured of the agent’s training, experience and qualifications.

It seems most agents speak highly of themselves, so with positive accolades running rampant, it can be difficult to choose just one. Also, if you live in California, real estate transactions are no simple matter! Successful home buying transactions are best handled not only by a qualified ABR Realtor, but a full support team as well.

Common facts and Misconceptions When Choosing a Home Buyer’s Agent

  • Some believe it’s better to work with the real estate agent that is also selling the property. You should know, all California realtors have a fiduciary responsibility to both sides in a real estate transaction. Even so, put yourself in the realtor’s shoes for a moment. Would it not be difficult for you to favor one side over the other? Also, it’s very common for the seller’s agent to be a friend or relative. While we do sometimes represent both sides of the transaction, we take this responsibility very seriously. We also have the experience needed to handle this correctly. We suggest some serious thought into using the sellers agent before moving forward with this arrangement.
  • Some might think, when buying a brand new home, they don’t need their own realtor! Nothing could be further from the truth! The agents selling the brand new homes work directly for the developer! Do you think they will voluntarily share anything negative about the homes in the development? Certainly, they must disclose, but it still makes some buyers uncomfortable. Please do yourself a favor and obtain qualified representation. After all, it may save you a ton!
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you sign up or sign in while visiting any new housing development, you are automatically giving up your right to use your own agent! Take your agent with you or at the very lease, take some of your agent’s cards and hand them to the developer’s representative while visiting. Don’t sign anything!
  • When choosing a qualified and experienced ABR Realtor, he or she will work hard to help you find and buy the perfect home.
  • It’s always a good decision for your agent to have experience buying and selling in the local community in which you plan to buy. Many communities have different peculiarities, special taxes and homeowner associations. It can only help to have an agent that is also very familiar with your community of interest.
  • Then, we have some buyers who think it’s best to choose a large and well known bank for your home loan! The truth is, this is not the best course of action. If your realtor refers a good amount of business to an associate loan officer, it will be in the buyers best interest to at least meet with that loan officer and consider their services. A good independent loan officer will jump through hoops on your behalf and is often the difference between success and failure.

As Accredited Buyer Representatives we represent home buyers in Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley, Antelope Valley and other nearby communities. We have both lived and worked in Santa Clarita all our entire lives. When combining our training and experience with intimate knowledge of the local communities, we can offer advantages for the home buyers they may not find elsewhere.

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