Find Homes in Newhall Priced Between $300,000 and $350,000

See the listings below to view homes in Newhall priced between $300,000 and $350,000. This is a live feed from our local Multiple Listing Service and the homes shown will automatically update depending on how long the homes have been on the market. That means, this page is NEVER outdated and you will always view homes in Newhall priced between $300,000 and $350,000. If nothing shows for sale on this page, then there’s no homes available in the price range indicated.
View Listings of Homes in Newhall Priced $300K and $400K
UPDATE NOTE: Due to the rise in home prices we’ve updated this post to display homes priced from $300K to $400K.
Click Here if No Listings are Displayed

There are currently many more homes in all price ranges currently on the market in Newhall than shown below. You can conduct your own home search right here.
Should you have questions about any of the homes for sale or would like to know more about how to save time and money while searching for a home, we can help. You can also view our extensive reports covering number of the more popular neighborhoods in Newhall of Santa Clarita.
Newhall Home Types in This Price Range
When viewing the homes shown above you will discover they may be in the over in Friendly Valley. Not all of them, but as of 2018, that’s where most homes in the price range will be located. Also, these homes will usually be smaller, with one or two bedrooms and two bathrooms. You might find a 3 bed & 2 bath home in the mix but the overall square footage will be similar to the 2 bed homes and most of us prefer more living space as opposed to bedroom space. If you don’t see what you’re looking for there are plenty more homes available on the market in Newhall.
If searching for a home in Newhall, we have more helpful options to help find that perfect home, faster than ever! We also have a variety of posts specifically intended to help those in the process of buying a home.
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