Search Homes for Sale on the MLS
Search Homes For Sale
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More Ways to Search
Perhaps the best way to find homes is by viewing our communities and neighborhood pages. First, choose a community or neighborhood and be directed to a page containing a full report specifically for that neighborhood. Those interested will find links to MLS listings on each of our neighborhood reports and yes, we have ALL the most popular communities in Santa Clarita.
We Can Search for You
As local realtors, we provide personalized services to our friends and clients by utilizing our vast resources to help find and buy their homes. This saves time and lightens the load for everyone. Even so, many enjoy finding homes for sale right here, but our clients know we can reduce their work load and save time should they so choose
Our MLS displays all homes on the market here in Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, Antelope Valley, Ventura, Los Angeles and throughout most of of California. Really, it’s up to each home hunter to personalize the home search criteria to fit their specific needs.
Contact Us for a Home Buyer Consultation
Matt & Meray
[email protected]
What is the MLS
The MLS is an abbreviation for the Multiple Listing Service. The MLS provides realtors and prospective home buyers with the ability to find and view all the homes for sale, in real time. The search results are always up to date and are updated hourly.
4 Basic Filters to Narrow Your Home Search:
- Search homes for sale, rent or land only.
- Set filter for number of bedrooms.
- Set filter for number of bathrooms.
- Search by price.
Once entering the search criteria, the MLS will immediately display the listings. Then, users can save those searches and choose to be notified in the future if there are changes to those search results. Try it out yourself using the home search panel shown on this page.
Narrow Your Search
On this site, once you see the search results using the above mentioned filters, you will then have the ability to perform an advanced search using more filters to narrow down the search even further.
Advanced Search Filters include the following:
- Search By School District.
- Search by address, MLS number or even a keyword.
- Search by home size.
- Search by year built.
- Filter to see only distressed properties, new construction or properties having an open house.
As you can see, using our advanced search filters enable you narrow your search results to exactly fit your criteria.
Search Homes for FREE Without Providing Your Information
On this site, we enable you to search as much as you want, and it’s completely free. Unlike Zillow or any other nationwide real estate websites, you don’t need to provide your information to use our search tools unless you want to save your search results or receive listing alerts.
MLS Home Search Alerts
Experienced home buyers save time by setting up alerts and being notified immediately when a new home matching your specifications comes on the market. You can also save your favorite properties to keep an eye on their status. Even better, you can share your favorite listings with your spouse or friends!
There’s more, but be assured, we will never share your information with anyone. We value your privacy and ours! It’s that simple!

Information Available to You in the MLS
BTW, you won’t be able to access all information exactly like a realtor, but it’s very close. When a realtor searches for homes they are shown a little more information, usually confidential and not to be shared publicly.
Some realtors, us included, pay extra so we’re able to provide the free home search service for our web visitors, friends and clients. We can all search homes for sale based on our specific criteria and it saves us all valuable time. Additionally, unlike most other information found on other websites, our information is reliable and always current!
More Helpful Resources
We know buying a home can take time, so we’ve provided some helpful resources for home buyers. Also, as previously mentioned, you can easily search homes for sale in popular communities in Santa Clarita. This is especially helpful for buyers unfamiliar with the area. Don’t forget, when working with us we’ll do the leg work for you. We’ll even vet each property that comes on the market matching your criteria. We only send those listings that match AND pass our preliminary review.
The search tools offered here utilize the most advanced technology available today! Our visitors can search homes currently for sale on the MLS using any device in locations throughout Los Angeles County area and adjacent cities. Searchable communities include Santa Clarita, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, Antelope Valley, Stevenson Ranch, Castaic and almost all of SoCal. Should you have any questions feel to contact us to schedule a consultation.