Castaic CA 91384 Homes Priced Over $900,000

See Castaic CA 91384 homes priced over $900,000! Because home prices have increased there are now more homes on the market in this price range than any other. Looks like it’s time for use to add some more listing pages! Interested in buying a home in the new Williams Ranch community? Yep, this is where you’ll see these amazing listings.

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Listings of 91384 Homes Priced Above $900K

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Matt Meray Gregory Realtors and Brokers
NAR Realtor Designations
Map of the 91384 Zip Code Area
91384 Zip Code Map

91384 – More Price Ranges

Overview of 91384 Properties Priced from Above $900,000

The 91384 zip code area is made up of homes located in Castaic CA. This higher price range is likely where buyers will find the more opportunities to get the most home for their money. Yes, spending over $900K on a home is a challenge for many buyers, but there’s also more chances of getting a deal.

Try comparing the homes found in this price range with other similar properties in nearby communities! Depending on the zip code areas compared, there may be no contest!

Brand New in 91381 Castaic

The brand new Williams Ranch is currently in development and we can tell you from first hand experience, it’s absolutely the more interesting and BEST housing development that’s come to Santa Clarita Valley EVER! Yep, it’s that good, but it’s also going to be costly. Why? Large Homes, Large Lots & Beautiful Views. There’s also terrific amenities! If this type of lifestyle is appealing and you can swing the financial resources, we highly suggest buying a home here.

Contact Matt & Meray for Representation. 661-713-4799
We are currently representing multiple buyers here and we can do the same for you. If you have NOT visited this community and signed in, we can represent you with your new home purchase. If you already signed in, we cannot help!

Castaic Ranch Properties

Some of the homes in this area will be located on acreage back in the popular Hasley Canyon. In fact, if you like ranch style homes and large lots, this is it! The best way to describe the ranch style properties in this area and price range is LARGE! We’re seeing homes with well over 3500 sq ft of space sitting on acres of land.

Most homes are custom built or upgraded and some are ranch style. Keep in mind, with all these custom features, there’s a good chance the designs and finishes loved by the homeowner won’t be suitable to the new buyer. Should you decide to buy one of these custom homes, be sure to allocate enough funds to cover the costs of making changes so your home is suitable to meet your wants and needs. This is not always true, but it’s something else to consider.

91384 Property Over 900K
Hasley Cyn Ranch Property We Sold in 2019

The photo above is for a 2.5 acre property we sold in early 2019. At the time it sold for just under $1,000,000, but it was quite nice and included a barn, arena, house and nearly all of the land was usable. It’s a fairly good representation of what you might find in 91384 priced over $900,000. Nowadays it’s very unlikely buyers can still find a Castaic ranch property on a couple acres for anything less than $1M.