91350 Homes Priced $700,000 to $900,000
See below listings of 91350 homes priced $700,000 to $900,000! If searching in this price range, you’re definitely going to want to look this over. If you don’t find anything suitable have a look at all homes in the 91350 area.
If you need help feel free to reach out for personalized representation. We have a long history of helping our friends and clients find and buy homes in this area. Of course, we’re ready to help you too! Never any sales pressure whatsoever!
Listings of 91350 Real Estate Priced from $700,000 to $900,000

Santa Clarita Realtors & Brokers
Matt & Meray Gregory
[email protected]
As longtime Santa Clarita REALTORS®/Brokers AND lifetime residents, we can provide the advantages you need when buying or selling real estate.
Your Local REALTORS®
DRE# 01463326
DRE# 01831112

91350 Real Estate – Price Ranges
- 91350 Homes $700,000 to $900,000
Overview of 91350 Homes Priced From $700K to $900K
The number of homes in this price range is constantly changing, but in of 2024 there are more than usual! At that time homes priced in the $700K & 800K price range were many. Although unfortunate, as of 2021 & 2022, prices increased resulting in more available homes in this price range.
Have a look at the listings displayed above. These will be an accurate example of the home type you might find when searching 91350 homes priced $700,000 to $900,000! If this is not in your price range you can see all 91350 real estate here.
In 2022 the 91350 homes in this range were houses or detached homes and sized anywhere from 1,500 to almost 2,500 sq ft! Buyer found decent sized 3 & 4 bedroom homes with dens, offices, dining and large kitchens. Many have upgrades and there are even some good values, given the prices at that time. You know, even with the higher home prices, when comparing to similar homes found in many areas of the San Fernando Valley, buyers will usually get more for their money here in Santa Clarita.