91355 Homes Priced from $500K to $600K
See below 91355 homes priced from $500K to $600K. Homes in this price range will probably include some nice attached condos, but no detached homes of any kind. The 91355 zip code area is situated in Valencia and a neighbor to 91354. Those interested in this area might be interested in our extensive community reports specifically about all the neighborhoods of Valencia.
Listings of 91355 Homes Priced $500,000 to $600,000

More 91355 Price Ranges
91355 Homes Priced from $500K to $600K – Popularity and Availability
As of 2022, this $500K to $600K price range is a good starting point for those looking to buy a first home in the Valencia area. Of course, the homes won’t be quite as nice as you might find in other SCV areas, but as always, it’s about location. In this zip code area and price range, it’s possible you may find a detached home, but it’s more likely to be attached condos. If interested is seeing only condos, you can find plenty by searching through any of the zip code areas looking at homes priced under 400K or in the $400K to $500K price range.
To save time searching for homes we suggest saving a search. When viewing the listings on this page you will have the opportunity to save the search and be notified when new listings come on the market in this zip code area and price range. Just set it and forget it!
Also, if you’re not finding what you’re looking for in the 91355 homes priced from 500K to 600K, be sure to have a look at our tap and go local property search options for Santa Clarita. It’s the easiest way ever to find homes and real estate, especially when using a phone.
Try to avoid getting stuck on searching for homes in only one zip code area or community. Keeping an open mind will go a long way to help you find that special home, especially in the current market. This is especially true here in Valencia because there are many popular neighborhoods within Santa Clarita Valley. We promise, you’ll be happy with what you find in nearly all the different zip code areas.
Options and Advice
Yes, there are lots of options for buying a home in SCV for under $600K, but you’ll need our help, you must be flexible and choose from other perfectly nice neighborhoods outside of Valencia. Call or Text Matt & Meray to Schedule a Consultation. 661-713-4799.
View Only Condos and Townhomes in ALL of SCV
See All Condos and Townhomes for Sale in Santa Clarita. As of 2022 we are STILL seeing multiple condos and townhomes here in SCV priced under $600K
View Community Reports – Each Includes Listings
View Communities in ALL of Santa Clarita Valley
HOA Costs and FHA Approvals
Before making an offer to buy any condo or townhome sure to verify the amount of the HOA. Also, if using FHA financing you’ll need to verify if the condo facility is FHA approved. Both are a major pain point for buyers and finding a home in an FHA approved facility can be quite aggravating. Also, NEVER trust the HOA or Mello Roos amounts displayed in the listing information. Typically, it’s just inaccurate!