91355 Homes Priced from $700K to $800K

See below the link to our MLS feed of all 91355 homes priced from $700K to $800K. This price range offers the opportunity to view a variety of home types and continues to be a popular stop for home buyers. The listings will likely be detached homes in Valencia, although it’s possible there will be an exceptional condo or townhome in the mix.

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Listings of 91355 Homes Priced $700,000 to $800,000

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Matt Meray Gregory Realtors and Brokers
NAR Realtor Designations
Santa Clarita Zip Code Reference Map
Santa Clarita Zip Code Reference Map

91355 Price Ranges

Common Home Types in this $700K to $800K Price Range

All listings displayed above are current and come from our local MLS. The photos and descriptions are exactly as entered by the listing agent. We do caution our visitors to always verify the information BEFORE making an offer to buy.

As of 2022, the homes in this area and price range could be houses, condos or townhomes. Typically, the condo or townhome units will be new, but smaller than some of the more classic homes. That’s because developers in new housing developments are squeezing more homes into smaller area. Sure, the condos and townhomes are new but there’s almost no yards and little elbow room. Of course, it’s a lifestyle preference. Buyers must decide if they want a 2,000 sq ft house built 10 to 30 years ago, but on a larger lot with a nice yard or a smaller, but newer condo or townhome. As an example check out the new homes in the FivePoint Valencia community near Magic Mountain. Of course, the new homes often come with an open floor plan, so at least the interiors feel larger than they really are. It really just comes down to personal preference. And, if you like to entertain guests, these smaller units just won’t work!

Contact us to schedule a home buyer consultation. As long time agents and life time residents we have local insights which should provide you with the guidance needed. We’ll clearly explain the differences and go over all current available options for buying homes in this 91355 price range.