91351 Homes Priced from $700K to $800K

See 91351 homes priced from $700K to $800K! This area is made up from a portion of Canyon Country in Santa Clarita! In fact, some might refer to the area as the “Heart of Canyon Country.” Interested buyers should find a nice assortment of detached, single family homes, approximately sized from 1,100 to over 2,000 SF. See more price ranges here.

Need professional real estate services? For a more genuine approach to real estate, contact Matt & Meray today.

Listings of 91351 Homes $700K to $800K

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Matt Meray Gregory Realtors and Brokers
NAR Realtor Designations
Santa Clarita Zip Code Reference Map
SCV Zip Code Reference Map

91351 Price Ranges

Overview of 91351 Homes Priced $700K to $800K

Since we first published this page back in 2016, real estate prices have been on the rise. Nowadays, the homes in this price range are still quite nice, but not what they were back in the day. At one time, the homes would have nearly been considered upscale. Sure, the homes here are still quite nice, but certainly not considered upscale.

Buyers can expect to see some newer homes as well as some nice classics. As of 2022 we are seeing 3 and 4 bedroom homes with 3 bathrooms sized from about 1,600 to 2,200 sq ft. If it’s an older home there will most likely be a nice yard or perhaps even a swimming pool. Typically, the newer homes have smaller yards but with open floor plans.

There are just too many options to consider so if you see something appealing in the listings above, contact us to arrange for a consultation and representation.